Products We Use
Our students often ask about the equipment that we use and recommend. The following are a few of the items we use and links to the best prices we’ve found to purchase them. We share these in spirit of our continuous commitment to serve you and save you both time and money. If you have questions, please ask.
Self-Defense Legal Insurance $13-$47 mo.
Regardless of what type of firearm you carry, or even if you don’t carry, I believe self-defense insurance is an absolute must, just like home, auto, health, and life. In today’s legal system, you can do everything right to save your life and save your family, and still lose everything, including your home, reputation, profession, and freedom.
I’ve personally endured over 200k in legal defense over a single matter. In my research, I believe USCCA has the best terms, coverage, and practices. They provide needed funds upfront, and cover all weapons of opportunity including guns, knives, hands, knees, cheese grators, etc. They include some great ongoing training info too. Click on the logo banner above to learn more.

Handgun $650
Glock 19 mos
Get the MOS version. MOS is Modular Optics System. For $50 more upfront you could save six weeks and $150 to mill out your slide at a later date. When you order a gun from out of state you’ll need to choose a local ffl dealer to accept the shipment and do the background check. You can likely find a local ffl who charges only $20 to handle the transfer.
If you reside in Indiana, we recommend:
Blythe’s Sport Shop
2810 N Calumet Ave, 138 North Broad St
Valparaiso, IN 46383
Ask for Dan. Let him know you were referred by Don Johnson of Protective Tactics.

Ammo – 1000 rounds $210
Lucky Gunner
We use Military Ballistics once-fired brass fmj for practice. We carry hollow point.

Talon Grips $18
We use the Talon granulate to keep a good grip on the handgun regardless of weather, sweat, or in case your hands get wet.

Snap Caps $17
I like that you can see through the cap to instantly know it is a snap cap and not a colored round.

Holster – Outside Waist Band $42
Blade Tech

Holster – Inside Waist Band $45
Alien Gear
When you get a red dot, you will need to dremel out the top of the kydex. Alien Gear plans to start making shells to fit but don’t at the time of this post.

Red Dot $550
Trijicon RMR
Front sight too fuzzy to focus? No more need for reader glasses to see your sights! Faster target acquisition and no need to change focus from target to sights. Red dots are priced from $30-550. At least invest over $100 to get something that you can count on. We use the Trij pictured.

Mag Pouch – Outside $26
Blade Tech

Mag Pouch – Inside $35
Snag Mag

Knife $425
Benchmade Infidel
Legal in Indiana, but be sure spring assisted knives are legal in your state.

Hearing Protection $350 – 2,500
Sport Ear
I got the custom ear protection and Donnie got the basic. I should have got the basic too… They are excellent.
Above are a few of the basics that our family own and use. However, equipment is only as good as the user. More important than equipment is the wisdom and skill to efficiently and effectively create your desired result. The basic equipment above requires a minimum $2500 investment. Before you invest in equipment, have you invested enough in education for you and your family? Have you invested in the wisdom and developed the skills to survive and succeed regardless of the circumstances? With wisdom and skill, everything around us becomes a potential tool! With wisdom and skills alone, you can save your life and save your family. Invest in you. Invest in your family. If you and your family have not yet joined our Protective Tactics family, that should be your first investment! Develop the Mindsets and Mechanisms for success, and with our Mentoring, you can experience more fulfillment and happiness in every aspect of life. Join us! Click here.